Ursuline College were very pleased to see the Silver DofE group being able to go out on their practice and assessed expeditions. Despite not being able to camp out due to current restrictions, thanks to the flexibility of DofE with a Difference, they still had a fantastic experience walking their […]
Yearly archives: 2020
As a challenging year comes to an end, two College Principals have come together to make this year’s Christmas a little more special for young people who are less fortunate across Kent and south London. Wife and husband team Shireen and Graham Razey are both Principals at college groups in […]
To mark 400 years of the Journey of the Mayflower the children enjoyed a whole school project at the start of the academic year last year. Although many of the national celebrations did not take place due to the current situation, a wonderful colour souvenir booklet was published for the […]
This year’s winner of the Education Commission Christmas Card Competition is Ashira Perrera from St Thomas More Catholic Comprehensive. Thank you to all who submitted an entry it was a difficult choice as they were all so wonderful. The finalists designs are below
19 schools took part in the inaugural virtual London Youth Games competition. This event ran for four weeks and offered a choice of three challenges per week, which were devised by young people from different London boroughs; tasks varied from specific sports skills, to endurance activities and dance. Some challenges […]
Please follow the link below to view a short video that the Year 6 children in St Anthony’s in Dulwich have created. Link to video We believe the poem is by Paul Hunter and the artwork is inspired by Charlie Mackesy.
Dear Scripture Champions and Influencers, A copy of our new S. Mark’s Gospel and letter went to your bishop(s) earlier this week. As you know, the Standing Committee of Bishops’ Conference agreed at its Spring Meeting to take the Godwhospeaks initiative through to the Sunday of the Word in January […]
Please follow the link below to view the materials to help primary school children experience God speaking to them through the Scripture.
“The Southwark UK Catholic School blessing is beautiful and the children thoroughly enjoyed joining in.” “Thank you for all the organising links to the Thanksgiving mass. Our children in school and at home enjoyed joining in with the celebration. They particularly loved The Blessing hymn.” “We participated in the Mass […]
Below are photos of the schools in the Southwark Diocese enjoying the Mass celebrated by Archbishop John Wilson via YouTube stream. This Mass was held on Wednesday the 15th of July 2020.
Archbishop John visited the pupils in Year 6 at St George’s Cathedral Primary School. This visit was based around work the children had done on ‘no place for racism’
All St Mary’s staff are missing seeing the children, so we wanted to make a video to make them smile and show them how much we are looking forward to seeing them. In March 2020, led by our music teacher Mrs McGarry, St Mary’s students composed our first ever school song. […]
The Virtual London Careers Festival will be hosted by the City of London Corporation between the 29th June – 3rd July 2020. The event is designed to connect students with the world of work, so not only are they introduced to the diverse array of opportunities offered across Greater London […]
Southwark Catholic Youth Service has produced a short mini-series ‘Christ is Alive’.The videos were produced, before the lockdown, alongside 6th form students from St. Gregory’s RC School, Tunbridge Wells. The young people discuss some of the key themes from ‘Christus Vivit’, Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation to Young People and the […]
ATCRE are hosting author and exec member Andy Lewis for a Facebook LIVE event where he will introduce the book, share some of the”ideas” before doing a short Q&A (send questions in advance via email). Please add yourself to the Facebook event so you will get a reminder. Please also […]
The ACN Child’s Bible Project launched on Easter Monday and will offer families with young children an RE resource to use at home while schools are closed, but will also transition very easily into a classroom resource for use once things have returned to normal. There are bishops, priests, sisters, […]
Engineering students at St Joseph’s College, in Croydon, have been designing and manufacturing thousands of life saving components for the NHS, since lockdown. While many students are sitting at home, watching Netflix, the senior boys at London’s oldest Catholic College have been working in shifts, 24 hours a day, from […]
Be The Change have created a free download of 18 colouring pages. Please follow his link to download the colouring pages https://www.mccrimmons.com/library/files/BTC-Colouring-v3.pdf
Please follow the link below to find ideas to help you create a prayerful, scriptural and reflective time at home during this difficult period.
Faithful across the world are invited to join Pope Francis spiritually in prayer on Friday 27th March 2020 at 6 pm Rome time (5pm GMT) Please follow this link to view further details: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2020-03/pope-prayer-friday-urbietorbi-plenary-indulgence.html
Pupils at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School have created a poster and placed it in there window. Read the article by following this link: https://www.holycross.lewisham.sch.uk/london-stay-safe-together/
On 5 March 2020 schools around the country will celebrate World Book Day. Cardinal Vincent Nichols wants to inspire us all and encourage a love of Scriptures and Bible storytelling out loud. He tells us his favourite Bible story in the new podcast which can be found below.
The Centre for Catholic Formation, our diocesan agency for adult formation, is offering our GCSE and post-16 students the chance to share their favourite Scripture passages in a particularly creative way. Through illustration and typesetting, students involved in graphic design, art and RE, are invited to cooperate in creating works […]
Over 150 people packed in the Waldegrave Dining Room at St Mary’s University for the first Association of Teachers of Catholic RE national conference. It was standing room only as Catholic RE teachers joined Diocesan representatives, Catholic Education Service staff, Catholic university lecturers and clergy to celebrate Catholic education in […]
The Association of Teachers of Catholic Religious Education was formed in March 2018 with the support of the Catholic Education Service (CES) and is now an associate member of the National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisers (NBRIA). The mission of the organisation was to provide a national representation and […]
Below is a copy of the letter and documents sent to all schools via email on the 18th December 2019 Letter of Notification of New Appointment ProcessAppointment Process for foundation governorsRole of foundation governorDBS Reference for volunteer roles