Students and staff at St Edmund’s Catholic School, are celebrating an excellent set of results from this year’s GCSE examinations. Once again, our students have done themselves, their community and our school proud. These results are a culmination of five years of both hard work, and high quality teaching despite […]
Monthly archives: August 2022
Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, congratulate Year 11 on their excellent GCSE examination results. Their dedication, resilience, ability to adapt to learning online, and the changing expectations of examination syllabi has meant students have made outstanding progress. Well done to all students!
Almost 1000 students at Christ the King Sixth Forms (CTK) are celebrating record successes in both A Level and BTEC qualifications with another great year of results and prestigious university destinations. Despite the challenges created by the COVID pandemic, students have shown resilience and determination to land top grades and […]
Cllr Kenny, Lead Cabinet Member for Education in Merton congratulating students Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, are delighted to celebrate the excellent results and destinations of our Year 13 students following on from Ofsted grading our Sixth Form Outstanding in 2022. We are very proud of all our students. Sinem, Erin […]