Fundraising for Caritas Southwark at St Gregory’s Catholic School

In anticipation of the Good Samaritan Mass, which was to take place on the 27th of April, students in the Senior Chaplaincy put together a simple fundraiser to be able to bring a contribution to the Cathedral.

The last week of the Lent term, they sold raffle tickets to students and staff (50p each). The student prize was some AirPods and a giant chocolate egg and for staff a hamper with lots of edible goodies. These gifts had been donated by generous families. The winning tickets were drawn at lunchtime on Friday the 31st of March. The total amount raised from the sale of tickets was £112.55.

Although this is a humble contribution, the event engaged the Chaplaincy team to go out and talk about what Caritas Southwark has the potential do to in the community.