Hope Week at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Sixth Form College

As we lit the first candle of the Advent wreathe, the candle of hope, the community of Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Sixth Form College observed Hope Week, in preparation for being Pilgrims of Hope during the Jubilee Year.

In doing so we supported three charities, firstly we collected food for Ace of Clubs, a local charity who support rough sleepers and homeless people, fourteen bags of donations were loaded and taken.  Students A and J were diligent in utilising every inch of space in the car.

Secondly we collected clothes, shoes, rucksacks and suitcases for The Jesuit Refugee Centre in Wapping.   Once the car was back from Ace of Clubs, the same packing skills were again needed to get everything to Wapping in one go.

Finally, we collected currency of all kinds for Mary’s Meals.  in total eight pounds, (3.7kg) of coins were collected and some very interesting notes, including an old one million Turkish lira note which is currently selling for a sizable amount on eBay.

Our Pilgrimage of Hope will continue throughout the year supporting other charities and local primary schools.