ACN Child’s Bible Project

24th April 2020 Off By Claire Williams

The ACN Child’s Bible Project launched on Easter Monday and will offer families with young children an RE resource to use at home while schools are closed, but will also transition very easily into a classroom resource for use once things have returned to normal. There are bishops, priests, sisters, educators and prominent Catholic lay people taking part.

The resources for the Child’s Bible Project will sit in the Primary School area of the resources section on the website Each day we’ll release a video of someone (a bishop, priest, Sister, ACN staff, teacher, prominent layperson, etc) reading that day’s chapter and providing a brief, child-friendly reflection on it. Our schools team has written a short prayer inspired by each chapter and put together activities (crafts, dramas, games, challenges, etc) to go with them as well.

The Child’s Bible Project can be viewed by following this link:

Aid to the Church in Need are asking for more volunteers to video themselves reading a chapter and delivering a short reflection to build up an online RE resource.

If you are happy to help, please contact Caroline Hull via Caroline can then provide you with a chapter and more specific instructions.