Aspiring Leaders

Catholic Education is a strength in the Archdiocese of Southwark, and we are immensely proud of our schools. It is essential in maintaining high standards in our schools that we are forward-thinking and proactive with succession planning.  

As part of our service to schools, we lead an Aspiring Leaders Programme which supports strong school leaders to develop their understanding and confidence so they will be ready to take up the post of headteacher when it is advertised. The programme involves not only developing understanding of what it means to be a headteacher in a Catholic school but also supports potential candidates in making sure they are prepared and confident when applying for jobs.  

Developing this further, we also support and develop middle leaders to aspire to fill the gaps these high-quality senior leaders will leave behind. This guarantees our school remain excellent, in line with our duty as a Catholic school.   

This year our Aspiring Leaders programme will comprise of four sessions over the year. 


Leading a Catholic School  09:30-15:30 
Education Service Develop understanding on what it means to lead a Catholic school and what a strong headteacher looks like. 
Shadowing Strong Headteachers In schools as arranged with TRO To be arranged with TRO between sessions. 
5/11/24 Looking at Adverts 15:30-17:00 Education Service 
Develop understanding on what adverts tell you about a school and how to use information to ensure this is the job for you. 
Preparing for Application 
In individual schools.Mock application process to be arranged with TRO between sessions. 
26/11/24 and 

Preparing for Interview 


Education Service 
Opportunity to practice and gain feedback on different types of tasks present during the headteacher interview process. 

28/01/2025Leadership in a Catholic School  
Education Service Develop understanding on what leadership means in a Catholic school and what a strong leader looks like. 
11/02/2025Celebration of the Word3:30-5:00TeamsCatch up session for those looking for headship or deputy headship to develop understanding what an effective celebration of the word looks like and how to plan this.
27/02/2025Action Planning 
15:30-17:30 Education Service Develop understanding of how to use the information you have to evaluate and set appropriate targets and set actions for the year to ensure development of subject area. 
11/03/2025Leading CPD 15:30-17:30 Education Service Developing confidence in delivering training and ensuring follow up to ensure impact. 
29/04/2025Monitoring 15:30-17:30 Education Service Develop understanding of monitoring processes and ensure the maximum information is gained which results in impact for the children. 
15:30-17:30 Education Service Develop understanding on how to read assessment information and how to analyse information.
17/06/2025Reporting to governors 
15:30-17:30 Education Service Develop understanding on communicating with governors. 
08/07/2025Gaining confidence in talking 
15:30-17:30 Education Service Develop confidence in talking about leadership focusing on action and impact. 
Shadowing Strong Leaders 
In schools as arranged with TRO To be arranged with TRO between sessions.