On Thursday 15th October there was a virtual celebration the unveiling of Avila Partnership ‘What Makes Great Catholic Schools’ publication. The celebration was hosted by St Philomena’s High School in Carshalton. The book compiles 14 case studies from Catholic schools in south London, Surrey and Kent. The books explores a variety of different issues affecting Catholic schools today and how living out the school ethos is an extremely valuable tool in ensuring the wellbeing and development of our young people.
Many thanks to school who contributed:
Bonus Pastor Catholic College, The Holy Cross School– New Malden, The John Fisher School– Purley, Richard Challoner School, St Michael’s Catholic College– Bermondsey, St Matthew Academy-Blackheath, The Federation of St Elphege’s Catholic Schools-Wallington, Regina Coeli Catholic Primary School– South Croydon, St Teresa’s RC Primary School– Malden, St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive– Chatham, the Archdiocese of Cairns– Australia and finally Peter Flew (Director of the School of Education at University of Roehampton) for our forward!
“We are so pleased to have been able to finally share this very special book that has come to fruition and thank all our contributing schools for their efforts in making it
Ms Waters & Ms Noone,
Avila Partnership