Bonus Pastor Catholic College achieves Romero Award Developer Level 

Students and staff at Bonus Pastor Catholic College are delighted to have been recognised for their commitment to Catholic Social Teaching as they receive the Romero Award Developer Level. 

Throughout this academic year, all members of the school community have enthusiastically to God’s call to spread love and establish equality for all. 

Through staff training, all departments explored the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This gave us a special opportunity to discuss the importance of these principles for all communities and share how all departments promote them through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. For example, through our young enterprise ambassador’s students have been able to experience and reflect on the importance of dignity in the workplace. We heard wonderful stories from the P.E. team about our football teams leading each other in prayer before games. The English department tackled the issue of discrimination and the refugee crisis in their exploration of ‘Face: The Play’ and ‘the Sparrow’. We saw beautiful artwork from our Year 9 students from the Social Activism art project where they responded to issues of injustice they felt passionately about.  

These important conversations helped to further foster a collaborative cross-curricular promotion of Catholic social teaching with fantastic events happening throughout the year in response to the World Cup, Refugee Week and Holocaust Memorial. This has helped us to highlight to students how Catholic Social Teaching touches every aspect of our lives. 

The people at the core of receiving this award have been our students; they have constantly used their voices and actions to promote Catholic Social Teaching. Throughout the year, they have enthusiastically engaged with school events, shown leadership in their organisation of charitable acts and promoted Catholic Social Teaching in assemblies.

Our community is excited to continue to work to make a better world for our local community and beyond.