Bonus Pastor Retreat Day at St. Francis Xavier Sixth Form

23rd July 2024 Off By Claire Williams

On July 9th, 2024, our Year 9 students embarked on a spiritual retreat at SFX Sixth Form, Balham led by Deacon Tony. This retreat provided a much-needed pause from the hustle and bustle of daily life, offering our young minds a space to reflect on their role within society through the lens of Catholic teaching. A focal point of our retreat was the principle of subsidiarity, a core tenet of Catholic Social Teaching, which emphasises the importance of empowering individuals and communities to take responsibility for their own affairs.

Subsidiarity teaches us that decisions should be made at the most local level possible, promoting a sense of agency and participation among all members of society. For our Year 9 students, this concept is not merely theoretical but a call to action. It reminds them that each person, no matter how young, has a voice and a role to play in shaping the world around them. This principle encourages us to support and uplift one another, recognising the unique gifts and perspectives each person brings to our community.

The retreat also included the celebration of Mass with Fr. Dermott from the Diocese of Southwark Catholic Youth Service. This sacred time of worship allowed our students to connect deeply with their faith and find solace and inspiration in the Eucharist. The Mass served as a powerful reminder of our unity in Christ and the strength we draw from our faith community.

A special thank you goes to our former students from Bonus Pastor, now student leaders at SFX, whose familiar faces brought comfort and inspiration to our Year 9s. Their presence exemplified the continuity and support within our educational and spiritual community, showing our current students the path of leadership and service they too can follow.

Our gratitude extends to Deacon Tony, whose guidance and wisdom were instrumental in making this retreat a meaningful and transformative experience. His teachings on subsidiarity and community engagement left a lasting impression on our students, encouraging them to think critically about their roles in society and how they can contribute positively to the world around them.

To everyone at SFX Sixth Form who helped organise and facilitate this retreat, we say thank you. Your dedication and hard work ensured that our students had a memorable and enriching day of reflection, growth, and spiritual nourishment.

As our Year 9 students return to their daily routines, may they carry with them the lessons learned and the spiritual renewal they experienced. Let us all continue to support and uplift one another, living out the principle of subsidiarity in our everyday lives. May we always recognize the power within each of us to make a difference, guided by our faith and the love of Christ.