Christ the King Sixth Forms and the EKC Group have raised more than £3,500 for four charities as part of their Christmas Gift Appeal!

19th January 2022 Off By Claire Williams

CTK, partnering with the Kent-based EKC Group, brought in over £3,500 with a GoFundMe campaign and charity art auction during the Christmas Gift Appeal this year. They also raised around 2,000 gifts to help those most in need.

The superlative effort has been spearheaded by husband-and-wife duo Shireen and Graham Razey, who are Executive Principal of Christ The King Sixth Forms and Chief Executive Officer of EKC Group respectively.

The GoFundMe went extraordinarily well and brought in £2,910 altogether. The top donations saw £1,000 generously given by Metric Capital OurTurn Global as well as £500 from David Kelly and £500 by DSP Drainage.

The art auction consisted of pieces donated by staff members and students, raising £621 by itself. Highlights included Heritage, a CTK St Mary’s learner, who’s George Floyd diptych brought in £38 and a signed limited-edition photographic print from award-winning Photographer and Lecturer at EKC Group’s Folkestone College, Zak Waters, which raised £100.

The money was split between Porchlight, Demelza Hospice Care for Children, Refuge, and St Vincent de Paul Society.

On top of these two efforts, CTK and EKC Group also organised a donation drive for gifts in aid of those less well-off this Christmas. In total, students and staff members handed in approximately 2,000 gifts, which were then distributed to the charities.

This charity drive has been running alongside a number of charitable deeds at both College groups. At the CTK sites they ran a “Jumpers for Jimmy” event, which raised money for the Jimmy Mizen Foundation, a charity to support young people across the UK by challenging them to be the change-makers & peace-makers in their local communities. Also, at the CTK Emmanuel site, some of their learners organised a cupcake sale for Child Bereavement UK which is a charity that supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Over at EKC the Animal Management students at Canterbury College created festive packages for their four-legged friends at Dogs Rescue and AA Dog Rescue.

Christ the King Sixth Forms and the EKC group would like to thank everybody who donated to the Christmas Gift Appeal and hopes that their contributions to these charities helped in some way to make the festive period better for those in our communities who are less fortunate.