It was announced on Monday, 10th June 2019, the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, that Pope Francis has accepted the resignation from office of Archbishop Peter Smith and duly appointed Bishop John Wilson as his successor and Eleventh Archbishop of Southwark.
Upon reaching their 75th year, bishops are required to submit their resignation from office to the Holy Father. Archbishop Peter did this in 2018, and the process leading to a new appointment began soon after.
Archbishop-Elect John Wilson had until his appointment been an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Westminster.
He was born in Sheffield on 4th July 1968. He studied at the University of Leeds before starting his formation for the priesthood in 1989 at the Venerable English College in Rome.
He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Leeds on 29th July 1995, and served as Assistant Priest at St Joseph’s, Pontefract 1995-1998 and at St Joseph’s, Bradford 1998-1999. From 1999-2005, he was a lecturer in moral theology at St Cuthbert’s Seminary, Ushaw and served as Vice Rector. He was Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation in Leeds between 2005 and 2012. From June 2012 to November 2014 he was Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese of Leeds. Then he was Parish Priest of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield. On 24th November 2015 he was appointed an Auxiliary Bishop in Westminster, and was ordained Bishop on 25th January 2016.

Liturgical Adjustments
The Diocesan Liturgy Commission has produced a document with suggested Mass prayers and other prayers for use in the coming weeks.
Click Here for a PDF Verison of the document.
Click Here for a Word (.doc) Verison of the document.
The document includes a note on the “The Eucharistic Prayer” which is repeated here:
“Once the name of the new Archbishop has been announced he is not prayed for in the Eucharistic Prayer until he has taken possession of the Diocese and been installed in the Cathedral, on Thursday 25th July 2019.”
Until that time we continue to name and pray for ‘… Peter, our Bishop’.