Cllr Kenny, Lead Cabinet Member for Education in Merton congratulating students
Ursuline High School, Wimbledon, are delighted to celebrate the excellent results and destinations of our Year 13 students following on from Ofsted grading our Sixth Form Outstanding in 2022.
We are very proud of all our students. Sinem, Erin and Anais have gained places to study medicine at Queen Mary, Newcastle, and St George’s universities, as well as Roxanne who will be studying Child Nursing at Birmingham City, and Aine, Adult Nursing at Brighton. Students’ choices of courses and universities remain varied. Louise and Katia are travelling north to Durham to embark on English Literature and Primary education respectively, while Sussex, Surrey University and Royal Holloway remain popular ‘local’ Universities, with students reading Law, Biomedical Science and Psychology. Students are making wise choices by combining their degrees with a year in industry, more this year than any other, building their skills sets in preparation for post university opportunities. Catherine is combining her Criminology and Psychology degree with a professional placement to compliment her A* A A results, as is Anna, who is studying Politics and International Relations at Loughborough following her 3 As.

Our first T Level Digital students passed with flying colours, gaining places at either university, or beginning a prestigious apprenticeship here in London. Their degrees choices included Animation, Advertising, Video Editing Studies, Digital Production and Design, and Sociology with Psychology.
Congratulations to all our students for their amazing resilience and determination, we wish them every happiness and success in their next steps.
To find out more about Ursuline Sixth Form please visit: www.ursulinehigh.merton.sch.uk/sixth-form