On Wednesday 8th June the Upper KS2 pupils of St Chad’s CAFOD Club were invited to attend the CAFOD Supporters Annual Parliamentary Reception, at the Speakers House in the House of Commons, Westminster. There they met with the RT. Honourable Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, Christine Allen, the Director of CAFOD and many other passionate CAFOD supporters.
The St Chad’s children had been selected due to their work raising the profile of CAFOD campaigns and their genuine desire to support the work of CAFOD. In school they have been inspirational in their leadership of CAFOD initiatives, recognising that it is their mission to bring Christ to all, by recognise need and by supporting the work of CAFOD to bring hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice.

At St Chad’s they have helped to bring the message of Pope Francis to all the children and their families. The Pope’s message in Fratelli Tutti, has been shared and the children recognise that we must view ourselves as an interconnected global family and if someone in that family requires help, then it’s all our responsibility to do so.
At the reception, they had the privilege to listen to the work of CAFOD supporters as well as hearing how the funds raised support a community in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They had the honour of performing the CAFOD Club song for all the invited guests, and were a huge hit! It was a truly memorable evening.
Frieda “I enjoyed having my photo taken with the Speaker of the House of Commons, and knowing that my voice is being listen to by important people”
Mathias “It was a joy to attend and my speech was from the heart; I truly care about other people”.