The Crowning of Mary at St Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School

St Ethelbert’s celebrated both ‘The Crowning of Mary’ and the ‘Coronation of the King’ at a Whole School Mass. The children were dressed in red, white and blue and children from each class were chosen to bring flowers to place by Mary. Then Mary was crowned by two of our children who were delighted to be chosen for the special honour; the girls have completed all their First Holy Communion lessons here with us and are then going to be travelling back to Poland to make their First Holy Communion with all their family. 

The children were able to answer all the questions from Fr Christopher about the Coronation during the homily and then Fr Christopher made a lovely comparison of Crowning Mary and Crowning our King. The children read with real reverence, sang beautifully, and were an absolute credit to the school. 

Later on that day during our Celebration Assembly, our youngest members of the school enjoyed bringing up flowers to Crown Mary in school. This was finished off with the whole school praying the Hail Mary in French! What a lovely day was had by all!