The Virtual London Careers Festival will be hosted by the City of London Corporation between the 29th June – 3rd July 2020. The event is designed to connect students with the world of work, so not only are they introduced to the diverse array of opportunities offered across Greater London and beyond, but to fuel their imaginations and help inform and shape their futures.
The festival is aimed at primary, secondary and post 16 pupils and will look to offer webinars, workshops and easily accessible resources to support pupils to explore a wide range of skills and career related opportunities. Over 120 organisations and 5000 students attended the event which took place at the Guildhall in 2019 and the plan for virtual 2020 event is bigger!
We are keen to support schools to enhance their careers provision and meet their Gatsby Benchmarks, even during this period of online learning. All our resources have been carefully screened and curated to ensure that they provide schools and pupils with an enriching collection of resources which encourages them to explore a wide range of careers and industry sectors, interact with employers and develop ‘Fusion’ skills which we know to be fundamental for the world of work.
More information can be found at or email the London Careers Festival team at for any queries.
Bookings for the live events close at 10pm on Friday the 26th June 2020